

BeyondQ DuMang Keyboard Programming Tools

GitHub PyPI MadeWithPython Maintained


Please refer to the README.md in the repo for more details.

Sync Tool

This tool is a daemon process that can be used to sync the two keyboard halves for layer functionality.

You may want to setup this tool to run at startup. Depending on your distribution systemd is a likely solution. See https://github.com/arjun024/systemd-example-startup for an example. If you installed via the AUR package this is setup automatically.

NOTE: libusb does NOT raise a HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_LEFT event on suspend (at least on Linux). This means the sync script doesn’t know the keyboard handles are invalid upon resuming. To address this, two systemd scripts can be used. See the systemd/ directory in the repo. The AUR package takes this approach.


$ dumang-sync


$ python -m dumang_ctrl.tools.sync

Programming Tool

This tool provides the ability to configure the keys on your keyboard.


$ dumang-config --help


$ python -m dumang_ctrl.tools.config --help



The first thing you’ll want to do is dump your current configuration:

$ dumang-config dump --format=yaml > config.yml
$ dumang-config dump --format=json > config.json

The configuration is a file describing each Board half, the attached Key Modules, and the keycodes associated with each Layer or Macro. Each Board and Key Module will have an associated serial that is embedded in the hardware. Each Key Module can be assigned up to four layers (eg. layer_0 - layer_3), one macro, and one color.

The following is an example of a YAML configuration file:

- board:
    serial: "DEADBEEF" # as hex string
    nkro: true # or false. When false at most 6 keys can be pressed at a given time.
    report_rate: 1000 # Allowed values [100, 125, 200, 250, 333, 500, 1000]
      - key:
          serial: "28287602" # as hex string
          layer_0: BACKSLASH # Refer to HID Keycodes in dumang_ctrl/dumang/common.py
          layer_1: MACRO
          layer_2: TRANSPARENT
          layer_3: TRANSPARENT
          color: "FF0000" # as hex string. Note that the LED can only represet 4-bits for each color channel [0x00 - 0x0F].
            # A maximum of 69 entries are allowed.
            - type: KEYDOWN # Valid types: [KEYDOWN, KEYUP, WAIT_KEYUP]
              key: A
              delay_ms: 10 # Delay Range: [10 - 65280]
            - type: KEYUP
              key: A
              delay_ms: 10


Because of the unique reconfigurability of this keyboard, it can be difficult to associated a given serial with a Board or Key Module. To make this process convenient you can use the inspect command to launch a GUI to identify this information.

$ dumang-config inspect

The GUI will allow you to inspect your current configuration, but most importantly, when your mouse hovers over a particular Key Module on a given Board the LED on the Key Module will begin to flash. This allows you to identify which serial corresponds to a given Key Module & Board.


The load command does the opposite of the dump command and allows one to program Key Modules.

$ dumang-config load --format=yaml <file>
$ dumang-config load --format=json <file>

This will only load the configuration onto Key Modules that are specified in the file, all other keys will be unaffected.